Prescription Fraud Defense Attorney NYC
Prescription Forgery in New York, Queens, The Bronx, Brooklyn and Manhattan
Prescription fraud is when an individual uses any kind of deceptive method to obtain prescription drugs. These methods can include any of the following:
- Forging the signature of a doctor or physician to obtain to a prescription
- False identification to obtain a prescription
- Contacting multiple doctors and getting many prescriptions (doctor shopping)
- Medical professionals with access to drugs acquiring them without authorization
- Pharmacists involved in illegal distribution
Prescription fraud will have serious consequences if you do not have a
quality defense attorney that will move forward quickly with your defense.
If convicted, you could face long prison sentences, expensive fines and
be ordered to participate in community service and court mandated treatment
programs. A NYC prescription fraud defense lawyer from our firm can help
you determine the best course of action to fight back.
Defenses Against Prescription Fraud in New York State
Every prescription fraud case is different and must be carefully evaluated as early as possible. Our law firm will review your case and its corresponding evidence to construct a clear plan of defense action. Our NYC prescription fraud defense attorneys understand the concerns that you have about your future and your freedom, and we will keep you informed of our progress every step of the way.
We will carefully evaluate every aspect of your case to determine our best course of action to defend you. Overzealous law enforcement personnel could have used illegal search and seizure methods to gather evidence against you. If your rights have been violated, we will take swift action to bring it to the attention of the judge. The violation of any constitutional rights or failure to follow correct procedure may open the door to the possibility of a reduced or dropped charge.
Our NYC prescription fraud defense lawyers are prepared to take any action that can be advantage for you in a prescription forgery accusation. Musa-Obregon Law PC can pursue a negotiated agreement with the prosecution to seek to reduce your charges. The 100 years of combined legal experience we possess helps us provide each client with sound advice and creative defenses that has been extremely beneficial to many of our client who faced charges related to prescription fraud. Our early involvement in the case is important in any criminal accusations of prescription fraud.